433 Williamsburg Ave.
Geneva, IL 60134

Phone: 331-248-8190
Fax: 331-248-8189

Kane County High Net Worth Divorce Attorney

Dedicated Family Lawyer Serving Clients in Geneva, St. Charles, and Elburn

At OSH Law, we are especially prepared to handle high net worth divorces in Illinois. Otto S. Hurtado has years of experience assisting clients with problems that are particular to high asset divorce proceedings. When you first consider filing for divorce, you may not immediately think about how wealth can affect your divorce differently. Yet it is important to keep in mind that each divorce has its own complications, and high net worth divorce cases are particularly complex.

After you have spent years or even decades with your spouse and have acquired significant assets, the prospect of property distribution or determining the value of possessions such as artwork or real estate investments can produce much anxiety. We want you to know that Otto S. Hurtado personally handles each case at OSH Law, and he will provide you with the professional and responsible representation you need. Contact OSH Law today to learn more about how we assist high net worth clients.

High Net Worth Issues in Kane County Divorces

What kinds of issues tend to arise in high asset divorces that do not exist in other cases? Like other divorces in Illinois, high net worth cases are governed by the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/). However, given that couples with substantial wealth often have more complicated assets than others, it is important to understand some of the issues that arise in these types of divorces. When you are facing a high net worth divorce, you will need to pay particular attention to some of the following matters:

Property distribution can be particularly complicated when it comes to high asset divorces. At OSH Law, we assist clients with numerous issues surrounding various kinds of property, including but not limited to:

  • Real estate investments;
  • Artwork and other cultural objects;
  • Antique automobiles;
  • Watercrafts;
  • Multiple bank accounts, including savings accounts;
  • Trusts;
  • Businesses;
  • Life insurance policies;
  • Professional licenses;
  • Intellectual property, such as trademarks or patents;
  • Stocks and brokerage accounts; and
  • 401k, IRAs, and pensions.

Personalized Representation in High Asset Divorces

Regardless of the kinds of property you have acquired during your marriage, Mr. Hurtado can assist with all types of divorce issues. At OSH Law, we understand that high net worth divorces come with additional complications and nuances, and we will provide personalized representation throughout your divorce proceedings. In particular, we understand that high asset cases need specialized attention when it comes to preserving assets, ensuring that no assets are hidden during distribution, and considering tax consequences of certain assets.

Indeed, tax consequences can drastically alter the amount of money you actually clear each year, and it is important to have an experienced DuPage County divorce attorney on your side who will advocate for you. At OSH Law, we want to help you you achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact a Kane County Divorce Lawyer

If you have questions or concerns about high net worth divorce cases, you should contact OSH Law today to learn more about how we can assist you. Contact our attorneys at 331-248-8190. We represent clients in Kane, DuPage, Kendall, and DeKalb Counties.

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